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Bracket Pools

Bracket Pools

Side Pools > Bracket Pools

The Bracket Pool can be any number of teams up to 64. Name your Bracket, choose # of Players aand Start week. If you don't have enough players to fill it out completey use the Bye option in the drop down box then click Create Bracket. The program then creates your Bracket page for you to upload each week. The Bracket pages are NOT built by the Web Page Managers but separately each week in the Bracket screen. It is not part of the web manager weekly build. It is done that way because managers might run more that 1 bracket at a time (e.g 16 and 32). The procedure is to set up the Tournament name, rules and pairing, click create bracket. Then after the weekly results are in, open the bracket screen, hit the reload bracket button and then hit create bracket. Results are updated on the screen and the winning players are moved into the next week position.